Rhyme Time Blocks - Rita Denenberg
Designed for quilters of every skill level, these charming nursery-rhyme blocks include such favorites as Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star; Hickory, Dickory, Dock; Little Boy Blue; Humpty Dumpty; and Baa, Baa Black Sheep. Through progressive lessons, you can learn how to applique with a minimum of tracing and marking. Several block settings are provided for making quilts of various sizes. Nine bonus patterns are included, such as The Cat and the Fiddle, Three Blind Mice, Three Little Kittens, and Mary Had a Little Lamb. these simple to make applique shapes can also be embroidered or quilted. AUTHORBIO: Rita Denenberg began quilting in 1982 when she saw a television program on quilting. She has developed her skill and is an award-winning designer and quilter. She has had a quilt juried into the AQS show every year since 1988 and won second place in applique in 1990. She both teaches and lectures on quilting, and many of her applique patterns can be found in computer quilt design programs.